Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow, can it be 2009? Already? I swear the scare of Y2K just seems like a few months ago, maybe not months, but really not THAT long ago!? Life passes by so quickly! Praying each of you who read are able to slow down and enjoy what's important this upcoming year. I know that's my plan!

Be blessed and safe! Happy New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

One more week~

I've got a whole week with all four kids at home. Any creative ideas to keep us busy?

We are planning to work on play doh potato head and construct our gingerbread house the last one we did - it was June - so I'm not too late with this project) Right now, they are making tents with the couch and blankets.

I took the tree down and removed some of our holiday decorations on Sat. It feels good to get rid of some of the clutter.

I look forward to your ideas! Remember - age - 9, 7, 3, and almost 2
(can that be? - almost TWO??!!)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

For unto us a child is born, He is the Savior! The Creator, the King of Kings! He is the reason we celebrate! Praying that the Lord blesses each of you in the way you need. Direct your focus on the Lord, seek Him while He may be found. Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you.

Friday, December 19, 2008

And so holiday break begins!

It's official, my kids started their holiday break today. Their school was cancelled because of talk of an ice storm this morning. Soo-o-o-o.... they are off til next year!!! Wow, what will we do for the next 16 days?!!

Grace's party was a blast! We adapted the snow ball toss to tossing the paper from the gift exchange - I place the wreath over the trash can and they shot their snowball of paper in - a quick and easy way to clean up! They enjoyed the ginger bread boys - but didn't like eating them so a lot of them were tossed away, boo-hoo - they were expensive! Poor Ezra will have to wait til Jan. to have his school party, it was scheduled for today.

We plan to bake some special treats out of the Pampered Chef "Festive Holiday Desserts" cookbook this afternoon. I think we will start with the Candy Cane Brownie Lollipops! DELISH!!! p. 29 if you have the book. We may put our gingerbread house together today too. Maybe.

I hope you all are enjoying this time of year! It's my favorite! We've been celebrating this entire month. It's been fun to break things into little bites - it's less overwhelming for me and the kids. Ezra especially does well when we do a little at a time.

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Not normal

Imagine this, I can't sleep. I am the queen of sleep.

Tomorrow's Grace's class party. I'm a little nervous. I'm worried I do not have enough creative things planned and how I will keep the icing for the gingerbread men ready. It's only a two hour party - unwrap gift exchange, nativity sticker activity, "Snowball" (balled up tissue paper) Toss into a holiday wreath, and decorate gingerbread men. They're first graders, I hope they will enjoy!

I worry too much, especially when I cannot sleep!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In ALL circumstances -

Give Thanks to the Lord! For He is good! HE alone is Good! His Love Endures Forever!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Baking Cookies with Gummy

Yes that's flour all over their faces - they had a bit of a flour fight!

Ezra was there for the decorating - he wasn't into the messy dough part. Of course, he ate his share!

I've been wanting to post a few pics from our sugar cookie baking day with Brian's mom. Grace and Ellie REALLY enjoyed!! Thanks Brenda!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Heather's Blog Created

Hi Friends!

I've set up a blog for Heather - so it's easier for her to keep everyone updated as to what's happening with them. That's HJ (Heather Joyce) in the UK.

I can't wait to see her updates!

We are home, Heather is in London. I just got off the phone with Firas, she is sleeping. Poor gal has had a tough week! She will go to the UAE to get her babies by the end of next week. They have been with Firas' family near Dubai. It sounds like they have REALLY been having fun with his family.

My house is a wreck - thanks to Heather! REALLY thanks to Heather! She sent me home with a ton of goodies that she couldn't pack. Thanks Sis! I have all kinds of momentos from your OH home! It helps me feel like you are not so far away!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We're off...

The girls, mom and me are heading to Heather's for one last time. We'll be in OH til late Fri. night. Her flight leaves for the UK Fri. night. We will be helping her close things up at her house and making a few more memories to carry us through til July 12, when she is scheduled to return to the US.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Craft Bug strikes AGAIN!

I've been crafting this evening and enjoying it!

Here is the finished snowman pillow. I added distress ink around the outer edges of the snowman to make him pop out a little. It was a fun project. I'm glad to have it done. One of the kids pulled off one of the snowflake buttons, lol!

The button tree will be pillow eventually. I need to find a fabric for the background. I was so frustrated trying to do that stinkin' blanket stitch. I just couldn't get it! UGH!!!

Here is the Chenelle Snowman I blogged about previously. I found one similar to him on Etsy. The fabrics all came from the thrift store. I added cinnamon oil to the inide of this guy - he smells yummy!

I also finished the tree with the painted tags. It needs something? Any suggestions?

I'm posting pics - sorry, they will be in random order.

Off to bed, tomorrow will be a busy day. We are getting our tree in the morning. And having Christmas with Mom, Larry, Heather and Lani! I can't wait! Heather, Mom, Delani, and I shopped all day today. What a terrific time we had together! Heather is here for a week to close up her house in OH, she leaves for UK next Fri. Mom, my girls and I are going to OH Wed - Fri. to see her off. (sigh)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Giveaways by Cathy

OK, OK, May I have everyones ATTENTION?!

My friend Cathy has a great give away listed on her blog! Be sure to go there guickly and add your comment to be added to her drawing! She plans to draw the winners on Sunday. I have several of her items in my house some from local sales and some gifts and some from ebay! I love all that she paints!

Cathy so generously painted a mural at our church, it's beautiful! I REALLY wish I had a picture to post. She also volunteers to teach at MOPs for our past three Nov. meetings - she always brings the best ideas! The penny ornament I just finished was a project she shared.

Thanks for ALL you do Cathy! can't wait to see how your drawing ends!!! {my fingers are crossed!!!}

Here is the link for Cathy's blog Or you can see her blog on the right side of my blog, It's I'm not sure her link is posting? Sorry if it didn't

Friday, November 28, 2008

older projects that need finished

I started this pillow several years ago. I stopped because I didn't like how the snowman blended in with the tea stained muslin. I still feel the same way, but wanted to get it done!

This penny ornament I started last year at a MOPs meeting. I had a horrible time with the blanket stitch. I need to master it, I want to use it on a few other projects I have in mind.

I'm currently putting the pillow together while watching HGTV. I found an old chennille blanket at a local thrift store. I am soaking it in coffee and vanilla. Can't wait to make a standing snowman I found on Esty that inspired me.

I think I'll head to bed soon... thanks for looking at my crafts. I'm having so much fun!

painted tags

I've been painting tags for a pencil tree I will use as a gift for someone. Hmmm... I can't tell who yet...

I have paper ornies and wooden ones. I'm learning - but pleased with how they've turned out

My latest obsession... CrAFting!!!

Here is what I've been up to, seriously UP to. Not sleeping because I've been inspired by my friend's holiday ideas. I love these primitive blogs ob blogspot, my friend Cathy has a bunch on her reader.

I decided to add buttons to my count down tree. It's ok

A Few Turkey Day Pics

We had a very enjoyable day with my moms side of the family. Gram's home-made noodles are the best!

Here are a few things I'm thankful for:
Jesus for saving me and loving me - even though I am often unlovable
my husband
my kids
mom and Heather
Heather and her kids will be home next weekend for a short holiday celebration
New Hope church
Of course all of the above could be unsaid, and you'd know I was thankful for each

here are a few of my blessings that you may not know I am thankful for
my Penn State job
the internet
scrapbook days
sleeping in and naps
flavored coffee creamer
snuggling with Brian
my van
primitive decorating
weight watchers
gas prices coming down

I'm sure there are so many other things I could post - but all of the kids are upstairs playing, I need to head up to see what is happening.
I've been blessed with so much. Thank you Lord!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

an attempt to make a holiday count down

I was so excited to make a Christmas Count Down out of a tree cut out I found

Look at the mess I made!

I couldn't decide what to do after I covered the tree with cool paper. So I added candy cane tags - but I didn't like them, so I ripped them off. And they left a little bit of paper behind. I feel so frustrated with it, but my kids are happy with it!

This is how it looks so far, but I'm not sure what to do with it, any suggestions??

My friend Cathy painted hers - go here to see how it turned out! It's beautiful!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Etsy? Anyone?

OK, so have you been to Etsy yet? Oh my, this site could be so addictive!! Love it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Name & Look

HI All

I've been looking for a fresh blog look. I found this one here She has a ton of creative ideas to pick from.

If you go there, be sure to give her the credit she deserves. Change is good!

Be blessed!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Isaac and Mom

We discovered that Isaac and Mom have a similar smile

Monday, November 10, 2008

I have a friend

I have a friend who has a drinking husband. He has also been hitting her. She just confided in me today. They have children.

PLEASE pray for her husband to be set free, for hers and her children's safety. They have financial needs.

She is a Christian. Her children also desire to serve the Lord.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

London Dreamin'

My dear sweet Maya

at dad's over the summer

Flat Grace visit's Perrysburg for a short time!

an older pic from last year - notice no Maya and Isaac

Here's my latest obsession. Heather asked me to go to London Jan 1-? (5 or 6) to take Delani back from her Christmas Break with her dad. Heather, Firas, Maya and Adam will be in Dubai for most of Dec.

She and Firas would pay for my flight and provide housing. Brian is hesitant because he'd be with the kids and he really wants to go too. But the timing seems perfect - he'd miss two days of work max. and I bet we could get a sitter for at least one of the days.

We were hoping to go in the spring of next year. (still pondering what we'd do with the kids because we wanted to take a romantic trip alone)

Heather suggested I bring Grace with me in Jan. But Brian and I would be responsible for her ticket - which is close to $1000 right now.

OH MY! The though of traveling abroad sounds magnificent! Being over there with Heather and her family makes me so happy I could almost cry! I love my sister and her kids so stinkin much!

Please pray for things to unfold as the Lord has planned.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

nothing too exciting here

well we now have a democratic president elect. not a shock, just a disapointment.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Isaac's way to play piano

This is how I found him. He planned it all out. Crazy Kid!!! He was very proud of himself!

Monday, October 13, 2008

17 Years Later

I had a chance to get together with my closest high school friends this past Friday night. It's been 17 years since the first "prom" photo. Ironically, I was 17 years old in the picture.

Tara, Nicole and Tina - I really enjoyed catching up! I sure hope we do not have to wait too long to do it again!!! Love you guys!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The Grace Challenge

by Karol Ladd

Key Scripture: Leviticus 19:16-18

“Do not spread slanderous gossip among your people.
“Do not try to get ahead at the cost of your neighbor’s life, for I am the Lord.
“Do not nurse hatred in your heart for any of your relatives.
“Confront your neighbors directly so you will not be held guilty for their crimes.
“Never seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”

Mom’s Reflection

With thousands of Israelites trudging together through an unknown wilderness, a plan for civility was essential. The people had a long way to go, and they would never make it to the Promised Land if they turned on one another. So in the Book of Leviticus, God provided laws for dealing with both people and circumstances. As you can see from the brief passage we just quoted, those laws of civility and decency were not always easy ones to follow. Yet if we as mothers were to employ even a few of these laws in our relationships today, we would be so much better for it!

As Christians, of course, we are no longer under the rule of Levitical law; we are under grace, thanks to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for us. As recipients of God’s glorious grace, then, we ought to be showering grace on others in turn. And what does grace toward others look like? I think it looks a lot like today’s passage. Guarding our mouths from gossip, forgiving, not holding grudges—all of these are practical ways we can shed God’s grace on the people around us. Let’s teach our kids, through our words and our example, to reflect on the goodness of God’s wonderful grace and, in turn, to offer that grace to others.

My Prayer

“God of grace and mercy, thank You for pouring Your grace on me through the sacrifice of Your Son. I praise You that through faith in Jesus, I am forgiven. Help me now to forgive others. Guard my mouth from gossip and my heart from grudges. Teach me to be a conduit of Your grace, so that grace flows freely through me to my family members and all the other people in my life. Thank You for Your Word and the direction it gives for living and loving in grace. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

My Choices

This week I will choose to focus on God’s great love and grace toward me.
This week I will choose to show grace toward others.
This week I will choose to ask God’s help in guarding my heart and mind.
This week I will choose to: ____________________
For Further Reading: Ephesians 4:28-32

Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin and live unto righteousness.
―Westminster Catechism

Lord, give us grace and strength to forbear and to persevere. Give us courage and gaiety and the quiet mind, spare to us our friends, soften to us our enemies.
―Robert Louis Stevenson


Reprinted from The Power of a Positive Mom Devotional and Journal by Karol Ladd, Howard Publishing Co., Inc., ©2006.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

craft letters for the girl's bedroom door

OK, here I am again

Had to post my latest crafty idea

Sunday, September 21, 2008

two things to tell you all

I have two things to tell you quickly then I have to get to work.

Today Ezra turned NINE, yep, that's right - 9!!! My eldest just started his first day of being a single digit old. Sigh!!! He's a hoot, I don't know what I'd do without him!

As for my blog - I'm not able to blog so much. I'm really trying to be particular with how I spend my time. So - this will be a kinda farewell. However - I plan to update fun things every once in a while!

Until then, be blessed!

Monday, September 15, 2008

my boy, Isaac

Isaac does seem to have some type of rash still - most likely a mild form of chicken pox. The pediatrician said that he would be contagious until the marks clear up or scab & to keep him home for 7-10 days. He continues to be happy and busy as usual.

the big kids are really getting into the groove with school. Ezra is starting to have an interest in reading - he actually read tonight before bed - The Magic TreeHouse series that he borrowed from his class library. He also brought home a "flutophone" or recorder today. I've heard "Mary Had a Little Lamb" one hundred times today.

Grace has been bringing home many papers in cursive, I keep checking the grade level - she's in first grade!? and less than two weeks into it... I can't remember being introduced to cursive writing until 3rd grade! She is thrilled to be using her cursive skills. She also continue to enjoy piano. She makes up these beautiful melodies and plays them over and over. I believe she has a natural gift, just like her daddy.

Ellie had a developmental eval done last week. She failed the speech section - which I am not surprised. She begins speech therapy next Monday. 30 minutes per week. She is thrilled to go, and calls it "schwool"

That's it for now. Brian is calling me to snuggle and watch tv.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

what do you know about chicken pox?

What do you know about the chicken pox vaccine? Isaac had his first booster for it on Thurs. Today he has a lovely rash covering various places - mostly his torso and face. The bumps are all raised - two look like blisters.

I'm wondering if he is contagious. I'm wondering if he has chicken pox. I'm waiting for the pediatrician's office to call me back. I'm keeping him home from church today - we have one child who has an immune issue and gets really sick if exposed to anything - so we are playing it safe. I'm not even sure how chicken pox is transferred, but I remember if being very contagious.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

feelin better


a quick update. We're all feeling better. Brian is taking antibiotics still. He also has allergies - so his eyes are itchy!

MOPs is this Sat. I'm excited!

my kids are enjoying school being back in! They seem to be adjusting well.

Life is busy! But GOOD!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Brian and I have both been sick for about 5 days - today I went to the dr. I have strep and two ear infections ~ they were so kind to give Brian an antibiotic too.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

finally FOUND

Grace's glasses!!! they were under the love seat. she found them today when I was moving my furniture. CRAZZZZYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

look back in July in my blog - we lost them late July.

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Grace lost...
her glasses, has anyone seen them?

We reluctently purchases new ones. Now she has TWO pairs of the exact glasses!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

interesting, Thanks Carrie!


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and believe strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at!

Friday, August 22, 2008

We're Off!!!

Oh hooray!! Brian and I are heading east for the weekend! Thanks to our parents we have sitters for all four kids - yes, we are dividing them three ways!!!

I sure will miss these cuties! But will enjoy my time with Brian! This will be our first break since Isaac came over a year ago!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

temperatures are rizin!

I have the a/c turned on because it is a little warm today. I was sitting on the bath room floor with Ellie as she was potty training and felt warmth near our baseboard heat. So I went and checked our thermostat - it was set at 90!!!! OH MY! I had to talk to Miss Grace about adjusting the temp. - it was childishness, so I was not harsh - but now she knows not to change the thermostat!

Has that ever happened to you? I remember doing that as a child - my parents were furious!

I'm off to work on laundry!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


We spent the last week at the fair. I'm so tired! So are my kids!

I'm so so happy I got to see Tara and her family! Always a perk of the fair!! Missed seeing you Nic this year, maybe next?

Pics to come. Be blessed!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God's plan for us

God’s Perfect Plan

Key Scripture: Jeremiah 29:10–14

“The truth is that you will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your own land.”

Mom’s Reflection

In this passage, we see the Lord’s reassurance to His people. Yes, they were going to go through captivity, but God wanted them to know that He would hear their prayers. He wanted them to know that, despite difficult circumstances and all appearances to the contrary, he still had a great plan for their lives.

We all need reassurance at times, don’t we? Whether we’re going through a long-term challenge or a short-term frustration, there is tremendous comfort in knowing that God has a bigger plan—and a good plan—in mind. I’m sure the Israelites were thinking that seventy years in captivity was not a good plan, but God reassured them that He would give them a future and a hope. He let them know He intended to restore their fortunes and bring them back to their own land.

We have the same assurance. Not only does God have a plan for us, but it’s a good plan. What’s more, God promises to listen to our prayers. When we seek Him, we will find Him. What a powerful message for us and for our families!

My Prayer

“Powerful God, I praise You because you have a good plan for my life. I praise You because you are able to carry out that plan in Your time and in Your way. I trust Your love for me. Thank You for hearing my prayers. Thank You for the way You work in my life far beyond what I can see. Help me to continue to seek You all the days of my life. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.”

This week I’m praying for: ____________________

My Choices

This week I will choose to rejoice in the fact that God has a plan for my life.
This week I will choose to rejoice in the fact that God has a plan for my children’s lives.
This week I will choose to rest in the fact that God’s plan is a good plan.
For Further Reading: Jeremiah 29–31

O Lord, help me not to despise or oppose what I do not understand.
—William Penn

Nothing whatever surprises God; all things that happen are absolutely certain from all eternity because they are all embraced in God’s eternal plan.
—J. Gresham Machen


Available through Gospel Publishing House at

If you've enjoyed Moments for Moms, check out the other e-newsletters being offered by Women's Ministries at

Sunday swinging

I had to post this photo of the kids swinging from this past Sunday. They are each growing like crazy!!!

bats, bats and MORE bats!

OK, so the bat problem still hasn't been resolved. Brian has been on a mission to plug every hole and finish all of the work outside our house to keep those pesky creatures out. So he's committed to working here on our house this week - I"M THRILLED! It's fair week and we can spend so much more time there with the kids - the love the fair!

The bats inside are gone. But we have counted up to 41 leaving our house at night!

Life is busy! But Good! (well God is good, so I'll trust Him to keep everything else good)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

that craZy bat! ~ AGAIN!

I guess we didn't get the bat out the other night. The kids and I were up there tonight getting scrapbook stuff out and it took off from the corner ~ EEEE-YIKES!!! LOL!! Everyone was screaming!!! Grace covered up on my bed and Ezra rand downstairs to get Brian.

Then we caught it under a screen and it was crying, then I was like "Awe... it's scared." So Brian and I tossed it out the window to eat some pesky bugs - once it recovers from being tramatized from our house! and all of the screaming.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

lions & tigers & BATS!?! - OH MY!!!!

Did you all know that our bedroom is on the third floor - in what was the attic of our home?

we woke up at 2 am to a bat flying around our room. EEEEEEEEEE-YIKES!!! it was funny watching Brian chase it with a pack of scrapbook paper in his underwear!
Tee-hee!! he later got dressed. and took out the screen of the window and shooed it outside. OH my!!!!!!! - it took me a long time to go back to sleep, he seemed unsure about whether or not it went outside. the rest of the night I slept with a blanket on my head.

I'd like to go to my room for some scrapping stuff - but I'm not sure I should.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Isacc's curls are gone!

Isaac got a hair cut...

bye bye curls!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

my sister and kids

My sister and her kiddos are here! Yipee!! we spent the day together, swam at dads and had a picnic with mom's family - a party for Adam. What a fun time!!!

She's staying over tonight - they leave for London on Thurs. (sigh, sob!) but will return for a few weeks at the end of Aug. I am so thankful for our family.

God is good!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Grace lost...

her glasses, has anyone seen them?

Thursday, July 24, 2008


As a 1930s wife, I am
Superior">Take the test!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Time Management

A Time and a Season

Key Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1–8

There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die.A time to plant and a time to harvest.A time to kill and a time to heal.A time to tear down and a time to rebuild.A time to cry and a time to laugh.A time to grieve and a time to dance.A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.A time to embrace and a time to turn away.A time to search and a time to lose.A time to keep and a time to throw away.A time to tear and a time to mend.A time to be quiet and a time to speak up.A time to love and a time to hate.A time for war and a time for peace.

Mom’s Reflection

“A time for everything” seems like a simple concept. But it’s not so simple when it comes to the family calendar. It’s amazing how quickly we fill up our time with so many different activities. It is almost as if we believe that we must do everything, and we must do it now! Why do we let ourselves get so busy? Maybe we’re afraid our kids will be left out or fall behind if we don’t sign them up for certain sports or activities. Maybe we commit ourselves to certain things just because we’re asked to, and we don’t like to say no.
Wisdom tells us that we don’t need to do everything right now. There is a time and a season for everything! So instead of automatically signing the kids up for art lessons, T-ball, gymnastics and Scouts, let’s slow down and rethink our schedules. Let’s take a deliberate look at what is necessary and prudent, and learn to say no. Let’s change the pace of life from doing everything all at once to doing the right things at the right time. Let’s ask the Lord what He would have us do this year, and save the rest for another time.

My Prayer

“Wise and loving shepherd of my soul, I praise You for the way You care for me. Thank You for taking an interest in the details of my life and the lives of each of my family members. Please give me wisdom to know what my family and I should do with our time. Help me to recognize the season we are in and the activities that are necessary and appropriate. Guide us in the right direction, so we can glorify You in all that we do. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.”

This week I’m praying for: ____________________

My Choices

This week I will choose to take a deliberate look at my family’s schedule of activities.
This week I will choose to pray for direction in how we use our time.
This week I will choose to use my time wisely each day.
This week I will choose to: ____________________

For Further Reading: Psalm 90

This devotion was taken from the Assembly of God's Moments for MOMs email.

Reprinted from The Power of a Positive Mom Devotional and Journal by Karol Ladd, Howard Publishing Co., Inc., ©2006.

Available through Gospel Publishing House at

If you've enjoyed Moments for Moms, check out the other e-newsletters being offered by Women's Ministries at

Friday, July 18, 2008

house pics from this week

Proof that my husband is not IDLE!

a few more house pics

HAHA - you can see my pregnant reflection in the door of the first photo - I was preggers with Elliana during the summer of July 2005 - that's when most of the remodel began.

About Me

My photo
I am the daughter of a King. I am the apple of His eye. In addition, I'm a wife to the most wonderful man in the world - seriously - he puts up with me and loves me no matter what. I am so thankful for Brian! Most importantly, he loves the Lord with all of his heart and is a Godly role model to our children and others. Because of him, I'm a mom to four wonderful children - Ezra who's almost 9, Grace is 7, Elliana is 3 and Isaac who was a year on April 18. Life is a crazy whirlwind full of unexpected turns. This blog is to stay close to many friends and family throughout the US.