Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow, can it be 2009? Already? I swear the scare of Y2K just seems like a few months ago, maybe not months, but really not THAT long ago!? Life passes by so quickly! Praying each of you who read are able to slow down and enjoy what's important this upcoming year. I know that's my plan!

Be blessed and safe! Happy New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

One more week~

I've got a whole week with all four kids at home. Any creative ideas to keep us busy?

We are planning to work on play doh potato head and construct our gingerbread house the last one we did - it was June - so I'm not too late with this project) Right now, they are making tents with the couch and blankets.

I took the tree down and removed some of our holiday decorations on Sat. It feels good to get rid of some of the clutter.

I look forward to your ideas! Remember - age - 9, 7, 3, and almost 2
(can that be? - almost TWO??!!)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

For unto us a child is born, He is the Savior! The Creator, the King of Kings! He is the reason we celebrate! Praying that the Lord blesses each of you in the way you need. Direct your focus on the Lord, seek Him while He may be found. Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you.

Friday, December 19, 2008

And so holiday break begins!

It's official, my kids started their holiday break today. Their school was cancelled because of talk of an ice storm this morning. Soo-o-o-o.... they are off til next year!!! Wow, what will we do for the next 16 days?!!

Grace's party was a blast! We adapted the snow ball toss to tossing the paper from the gift exchange - I place the wreath over the trash can and they shot their snowball of paper in - a quick and easy way to clean up! They enjoyed the ginger bread boys - but didn't like eating them so a lot of them were tossed away, boo-hoo - they were expensive! Poor Ezra will have to wait til Jan. to have his school party, it was scheduled for today.

We plan to bake some special treats out of the Pampered Chef "Festive Holiday Desserts" cookbook this afternoon. I think we will start with the Candy Cane Brownie Lollipops! DELISH!!! p. 29 if you have the book. We may put our gingerbread house together today too. Maybe.

I hope you all are enjoying this time of year! It's my favorite! We've been celebrating this entire month. It's been fun to break things into little bites - it's less overwhelming for me and the kids. Ezra especially does well when we do a little at a time.

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Not normal

Imagine this, I can't sleep. I am the queen of sleep.

Tomorrow's Grace's class party. I'm a little nervous. I'm worried I do not have enough creative things planned and how I will keep the icing for the gingerbread men ready. It's only a two hour party - unwrap gift exchange, nativity sticker activity, "Snowball" (balled up tissue paper) Toss into a holiday wreath, and decorate gingerbread men. They're first graders, I hope they will enjoy!

I worry too much, especially when I cannot sleep!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In ALL circumstances -

Give Thanks to the Lord! For He is good! HE alone is Good! His Love Endures Forever!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Baking Cookies with Gummy

Yes that's flour all over their faces - they had a bit of a flour fight!

Ezra was there for the decorating - he wasn't into the messy dough part. Of course, he ate his share!

I've been wanting to post a few pics from our sugar cookie baking day with Brian's mom. Grace and Ellie REALLY enjoyed!! Thanks Brenda!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Heather's Blog Created

Hi Friends!

I've set up a blog for Heather - so it's easier for her to keep everyone updated as to what's happening with them. That's HJ (Heather Joyce) in the UK.

I can't wait to see her updates!

We are home, Heather is in London. I just got off the phone with Firas, she is sleeping. Poor gal has had a tough week! She will go to the UAE to get her babies by the end of next week. They have been with Firas' family near Dubai. It sounds like they have REALLY been having fun with his family.

My house is a wreck - thanks to Heather! REALLY thanks to Heather! She sent me home with a ton of goodies that she couldn't pack. Thanks Sis! I have all kinds of momentos from your OH home! It helps me feel like you are not so far away!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We're off...

The girls, mom and me are heading to Heather's for one last time. We'll be in OH til late Fri. night. Her flight leaves for the UK Fri. night. We will be helping her close things up at her house and making a few more memories to carry us through til July 12, when she is scheduled to return to the US.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Craft Bug strikes AGAIN!

I've been crafting this evening and enjoying it!

Here is the finished snowman pillow. I added distress ink around the outer edges of the snowman to make him pop out a little. It was a fun project. I'm glad to have it done. One of the kids pulled off one of the snowflake buttons, lol!

The button tree will be pillow eventually. I need to find a fabric for the background. I was so frustrated trying to do that stinkin' blanket stitch. I just couldn't get it! UGH!!!

Here is the Chenelle Snowman I blogged about previously. I found one similar to him on Etsy. The fabrics all came from the thrift store. I added cinnamon oil to the inide of this guy - he smells yummy!

I also finished the tree with the painted tags. It needs something? Any suggestions?

I'm posting pics - sorry, they will be in random order.

Off to bed, tomorrow will be a busy day. We are getting our tree in the morning. And having Christmas with Mom, Larry, Heather and Lani! I can't wait! Heather, Mom, Delani, and I shopped all day today. What a terrific time we had together! Heather is here for a week to close up her house in OH, she leaves for UK next Fri. Mom, my girls and I are going to OH Wed - Fri. to see her off. (sigh)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Giveaways by Cathy

OK, OK, May I have everyones ATTENTION?!

My friend Cathy has a great give away listed on her blog! Be sure to go there guickly and add your comment to be added to her drawing! She plans to draw the winners on Sunday. I have several of her items in my house some from local sales and some gifts and some from ebay! I love all that she paints!

Cathy so generously painted a mural at our church, it's beautiful! I REALLY wish I had a picture to post. She also volunteers to teach at MOPs for our past three Nov. meetings - she always brings the best ideas! The penny ornament I just finished was a project she shared.

Thanks for ALL you do Cathy! can't wait to see how your drawing ends!!! {my fingers are crossed!!!}

Here is the link for Cathy's blog Or you can see her blog on the right side of my blog, It's I'm not sure her link is posting? Sorry if it didn't

About Me

My photo
I am the daughter of a King. I am the apple of His eye. In addition, I'm a wife to the most wonderful man in the world - seriously - he puts up with me and loves me no matter what. I am so thankful for Brian! Most importantly, he loves the Lord with all of his heart and is a Godly role model to our children and others. Because of him, I'm a mom to four wonderful children - Ezra who's almost 9, Grace is 7, Elliana is 3 and Isaac who was a year on April 18. Life is a crazy whirlwind full of unexpected turns. This blog is to stay close to many friends and family throughout the US.