Friday, November 28, 2008

older projects that need finished

I started this pillow several years ago. I stopped because I didn't like how the snowman blended in with the tea stained muslin. I still feel the same way, but wanted to get it done!

This penny ornament I started last year at a MOPs meeting. I had a horrible time with the blanket stitch. I need to master it, I want to use it on a few other projects I have in mind.

I'm currently putting the pillow together while watching HGTV. I found an old chennille blanket at a local thrift store. I am soaking it in coffee and vanilla. Can't wait to make a standing snowman I found on Esty that inspired me.

I think I'll head to bed soon... thanks for looking at my crafts. I'm having so much fun!

painted tags

I've been painting tags for a pencil tree I will use as a gift for someone. Hmmm... I can't tell who yet...

I have paper ornies and wooden ones. I'm learning - but pleased with how they've turned out

My latest obsession... CrAFting!!!

Here is what I've been up to, seriously UP to. Not sleeping because I've been inspired by my friend's holiday ideas. I love these primitive blogs ob blogspot, my friend Cathy has a bunch on her reader.

I decided to add buttons to my count down tree. It's ok

A Few Turkey Day Pics

We had a very enjoyable day with my moms side of the family. Gram's home-made noodles are the best!

Here are a few things I'm thankful for:
Jesus for saving me and loving me - even though I am often unlovable
my husband
my kids
mom and Heather
Heather and her kids will be home next weekend for a short holiday celebration
New Hope church
Of course all of the above could be unsaid, and you'd know I was thankful for each

here are a few of my blessings that you may not know I am thankful for
my Penn State job
the internet
scrapbook days
sleeping in and naps
flavored coffee creamer
snuggling with Brian
my van
primitive decorating
weight watchers
gas prices coming down

I'm sure there are so many other things I could post - but all of the kids are upstairs playing, I need to head up to see what is happening.
I've been blessed with so much. Thank you Lord!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

an attempt to make a holiday count down

I was so excited to make a Christmas Count Down out of a tree cut out I found

Look at the mess I made!

I couldn't decide what to do after I covered the tree with cool paper. So I added candy cane tags - but I didn't like them, so I ripped them off. And they left a little bit of paper behind. I feel so frustrated with it, but my kids are happy with it!

This is how it looks so far, but I'm not sure what to do with it, any suggestions??

My friend Cathy painted hers - go here to see how it turned out! It's beautiful!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Etsy? Anyone?

OK, so have you been to Etsy yet? Oh my, this site could be so addictive!! Love it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Name & Look

HI All

I've been looking for a fresh blog look. I found this one here She has a ton of creative ideas to pick from.

If you go there, be sure to give her the credit she deserves. Change is good!

Be blessed!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Isaac and Mom

We discovered that Isaac and Mom have a similar smile

Monday, November 10, 2008

I have a friend

I have a friend who has a drinking husband. He has also been hitting her. She just confided in me today. They have children.

PLEASE pray for her husband to be set free, for hers and her children's safety. They have financial needs.

She is a Christian. Her children also desire to serve the Lord.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

London Dreamin'

My dear sweet Maya

at dad's over the summer

Flat Grace visit's Perrysburg for a short time!

an older pic from last year - notice no Maya and Isaac

Here's my latest obsession. Heather asked me to go to London Jan 1-? (5 or 6) to take Delani back from her Christmas Break with her dad. Heather, Firas, Maya and Adam will be in Dubai for most of Dec.

She and Firas would pay for my flight and provide housing. Brian is hesitant because he'd be with the kids and he really wants to go too. But the timing seems perfect - he'd miss two days of work max. and I bet we could get a sitter for at least one of the days.

We were hoping to go in the spring of next year. (still pondering what we'd do with the kids because we wanted to take a romantic trip alone)

Heather suggested I bring Grace with me in Jan. But Brian and I would be responsible for her ticket - which is close to $1000 right now.

OH MY! The though of traveling abroad sounds magnificent! Being over there with Heather and her family makes me so happy I could almost cry! I love my sister and her kids so stinkin much!

Please pray for things to unfold as the Lord has planned.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

nothing too exciting here

well we now have a democratic president elect. not a shock, just a disapointment.

About Me

My photo
I am the daughter of a King. I am the apple of His eye. In addition, I'm a wife to the most wonderful man in the world - seriously - he puts up with me and loves me no matter what. I am so thankful for Brian! Most importantly, he loves the Lord with all of his heart and is a Godly role model to our children and others. Because of him, I'm a mom to four wonderful children - Ezra who's almost 9, Grace is 7, Elliana is 3 and Isaac who was a year on April 18. Life is a crazy whirlwind full of unexpected turns. This blog is to stay close to many friends and family throughout the US.