Tuesday, August 26, 2008

finally FOUND

Grace's glasses!!! they were under the love seat. she found them today when I was moving my furniture. CRAZZZZYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

look back in July in my blog - we lost them late July.

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Grace lost...
her glasses, has anyone seen them?

We reluctently purchases new ones. Now she has TWO pairs of the exact glasses!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

interesting, Thanks Carrie!


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and believe strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at QuizMeme.com!

Friday, August 22, 2008

We're Off!!!

Oh hooray!! Brian and I are heading east for the weekend! Thanks to our parents we have sitters for all four kids - yes, we are dividing them three ways!!!

I sure will miss these cuties! But will enjoy my time with Brian! This will be our first break since Isaac came over a year ago!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

temperatures are rizin!

I have the a/c turned on because it is a little warm today. I was sitting on the bath room floor with Ellie as she was potty training and felt warmth near our baseboard heat. So I went and checked our thermostat - it was set at 90!!!! OH MY! I had to talk to Miss Grace about adjusting the temp. - it was childishness, so I was not harsh - but now she knows not to change the thermostat!

Has that ever happened to you? I remember doing that as a child - my parents were furious!

I'm off to work on laundry!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


We spent the last week at the fair. I'm so tired! So are my kids!

I'm so so happy I got to see Tara and her family! Always a perk of the fair!! Missed seeing you Nic this year, maybe next?

Pics to come. Be blessed!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God's plan for us

God’s Perfect Plan

Key Scripture: Jeremiah 29:10–14

“The truth is that you will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your own land.”

Mom’s Reflection

In this passage, we see the Lord’s reassurance to His people. Yes, they were going to go through captivity, but God wanted them to know that He would hear their prayers. He wanted them to know that, despite difficult circumstances and all appearances to the contrary, he still had a great plan for their lives.

We all need reassurance at times, don’t we? Whether we’re going through a long-term challenge or a short-term frustration, there is tremendous comfort in knowing that God has a bigger plan—and a good plan—in mind. I’m sure the Israelites were thinking that seventy years in captivity was not a good plan, but God reassured them that He would give them a future and a hope. He let them know He intended to restore their fortunes and bring them back to their own land.

We have the same assurance. Not only does God have a plan for us, but it’s a good plan. What’s more, God promises to listen to our prayers. When we seek Him, we will find Him. What a powerful message for us and for our families!

My Prayer

“Powerful God, I praise You because you have a good plan for my life. I praise You because you are able to carry out that plan in Your time and in Your way. I trust Your love for me. Thank You for hearing my prayers. Thank You for the way You work in my life far beyond what I can see. Help me to continue to seek You all the days of my life. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.”

This week I’m praying for: ____________________

My Choices

This week I will choose to rejoice in the fact that God has a plan for my life.
This week I will choose to rejoice in the fact that God has a plan for my children’s lives.
This week I will choose to rest in the fact that God’s plan is a good plan.
For Further Reading: Jeremiah 29–31

O Lord, help me not to despise or oppose what I do not understand.
—William Penn

Nothing whatever surprises God; all things that happen are absolutely certain from all eternity because they are all embraced in God’s eternal plan.
—J. Gresham Machen


Available through Gospel Publishing House at www.gospelpublishing.com.

If you've enjoyed Moments for Moms, check out the other e-newsletters being offered by Women's Ministries at http://www.womensministries.ag.org/newsletters.

Sunday swinging

I had to post this photo of the kids swinging from this past Sunday. They are each growing like crazy!!!

bats, bats and MORE bats!

OK, so the bat problem still hasn't been resolved. Brian has been on a mission to plug every hole and finish all of the work outside our house to keep those pesky creatures out. So he's committed to working here on our house this week - I"M THRILLED! It's fair week and we can spend so much more time there with the kids - the love the fair!

The bats inside are gone. But we have counted up to 41 leaving our house at night!

Life is busy! But Good! (well God is good, so I'll trust Him to keep everything else good)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

that craZy bat! ~ AGAIN!

I guess we didn't get the bat out the other night. The kids and I were up there tonight getting scrapbook stuff out and it took off from the corner ~ EEEE-YIKES!!! LOL!! Everyone was screaming!!! Grace covered up on my bed and Ezra rand downstairs to get Brian.

Then we caught it under a screen and it was crying, then I was like "Awe... it's scared." So Brian and I tossed it out the window to eat some pesky bugs - once it recovers from being tramatized from our house! and all of the screaming.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

lions & tigers & BATS!?! - OH MY!!!!

Did you all know that our bedroom is on the third floor - in what was the attic of our home?

we woke up at 2 am to a bat flying around our room. EEEEEEEEEE-YIKES!!! it was funny watching Brian chase it with a pack of scrapbook paper in his underwear!
Tee-hee!! he later got dressed. and took out the screen of the window and shooed it outside. OH my!!!!!!! - it took me a long time to go back to sleep, he seemed unsure about whether or not it went outside. the rest of the night I slept with a blanket on my head.

I'd like to go to my room for some scrapping stuff - but I'm not sure I should.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Isacc's curls are gone!

Isaac got a hair cut...

bye bye curls!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

About Me

My photo
I am the daughter of a King. I am the apple of His eye. In addition, I'm a wife to the most wonderful man in the world - seriously - he puts up with me and loves me no matter what. I am so thankful for Brian! Most importantly, he loves the Lord with all of his heart and is a Godly role model to our children and others. Because of him, I'm a mom to four wonderful children - Ezra who's almost 9, Grace is 7, Elliana is 3 and Isaac who was a year on April 18. Life is a crazy whirlwind full of unexpected turns. This blog is to stay close to many friends and family throughout the US.