Tuesday, June 24, 2008

beautiful day!

It's absolutely beautiful out today. I took a short walk with the three youngest kids. We may had to the dam later - they have a nice park there. the kids haven't been there yet this summer! It's so hard to believe they've been out of school for almost a month.

Heather's in London with her husband until Fri. I miss talking with her terribly! Sounds like her youngest two miss her also - Firas' mom and sister are watching Maya and Adam and they called my mom to come and help. So mom is on her way there now - four hours away - that sounds crazy to me! Firas's sister is 27 and his mom is in her early 50s. Oh well. Mom is so good to us! Thanks mom!

Brian came home at lunch time and I had just put Isaac and Ellie down for a nap. So we too a short nap on the couch - loved it. Things like that do not happen too often. Grace sat in the recliner and watched tv. Ezra was at camp. Which he loves! I'm glad he is happy there.

Tara got her house! Hooray! Can't wait til she moves back to PA! not long now!!!


Nicole Wise said...

well that just sounds like a lovely day, especially the nap!

i'm so excited for tara and her family! i just talked to her on the phone. i really enjoy talking to each of you. wish i could see you more often. maybe someday the Lord will move us closer.

love you guys!

BurttBunch said...

Sounds lovely!!! I bet the nap was nice. Its nice to take advantage of those cuddling moments! I know...they are few and far between!

Sorry about your sis but glad your friend has found a house!

About Me

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I am the daughter of a King. I am the apple of His eye. In addition, I'm a wife to the most wonderful man in the world - seriously - he puts up with me and loves me no matter what. I am so thankful for Brian! Most importantly, he loves the Lord with all of his heart and is a Godly role model to our children and others. Because of him, I'm a mom to four wonderful children - Ezra who's almost 9, Grace is 7, Elliana is 3 and Isaac who was a year on April 18. Life is a crazy whirlwind full of unexpected turns. This blog is to stay close to many friends and family throughout the US.