Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.[1] A variety of philosophical, religious, psychological and biological approaches have been taken to defining happiness and identifying its sources.
Philosophers and religious thinkers have often defined happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in this older sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is still used in virtue ethics. In everyday speech today, however, terms such as well-being or quality of life are usually used to signify the classical meaning, and happiness is reserved[citation needed] for the felt experience or experiences that philosophers historically called pleasure.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Today I feel HAPPY! Brian asked me two nights ago what makes me happy. I've been thinkging about it a lot since. I often struggle with being depressed. But the Lord is gently reminding me to find JOY in ALL things.
Here are a few things that really make me happy. Simple things -
my family
talking to my sister
blog post that inspire me
enjoying a good book (just finished Twilight)
jeans that fit
a date night
hearing my kids laugh
a clean house
the laundry being done
Disney World
feeling loved
and so much more. but for now I must go. I'm being called away to play. I can't wait - yesterday I was sick and couldn't do much - so today is a new day. A HAPPY ONE!!!
What makes you happy?
Samuel’s School
5 years ago
Perscription pain killers!! Just Kidding. I love talking to you too Hol, you make me feel normal. Or maybe we are both crazy..congats on the weightloss. Losing weight makes me happy, my new spa membership, my kids smiling, and people saying that they are coming to visit. I would love to hear Lani and my husband say they were truely happy with me as a mother and wife. Happiness is hard work. Im lazy. kidding Love ya. By the way you blogged minutes after we hung up this morning and you didnt sound this happy what happened? Oh if someone came and mopped my floors I would be happy.
1.My salvation and knowing that someday I will meet my Lord and Savior!
2.My husband who balances me perfectly
3. My kids all settled and happy
7.Shelby's baby to be
8. My health
9. My ability to create
10. Travel!
Wow this list could go on and on. I have so much to be thankful for and so much that makes me happy and every year that I age, I get happier! Thanks for making me think!
God's love and grace, jude, steve and his balanced love and devotion to work, the Lord and his family, jude's laughs and his love for singing praise and worship in his church class, reading your blog makes me happy, i feel we are "in touch." my friends and what i learn from them, having at least 8 hours of sleep, new body lotion, talking to family and friends on the phone and finally but very silly...watching the office!
holly, i've tried to leave numerous comments on heather blog without success. please tell her this. i read it regularly, but the comment section is weird on my computer and i'm never able to leave one. bummer. thanks!
There are lots that make me happy:
Kids who are behaved..=)
Spending time with just Lee
dancing and singing with my kids
being outside
having a tidy house (notice I didn't say clean because that is impossible at this point!)
God's love for us that he sent his Son
being surprised
That was a good question....what made him ask that?
What a great post Holly! Insightful!
1. Christ - without him I think it would be impossible to be truly happy.
2. My Husband - a true gift
3. Knowing my dad is at peace in heaven
4. My Mother - She is inspiring and beautiful inside and out.
5. Jen - she's not just a sister, she a best friend
6. Michelle and Barry - Wonderful examples of a christian marriage and family
7. Maddison, Austin, Michaela and Mathew - They are amazing kids. I couldn't ask for better nieces and nephews.
8. My friends - I'm blessed
9. My In-laws - I love them all to death
10. The baby I know I will soon have.
This is just the top 10. It would be so easy to go on. God has been good to us.
Hey, Everyone made my blog look annoying and selfish. I will redo:
1. my hushand-what a gift
2. my beautiful children
3. my beautiful sister and my nieces and nephews
4. my mom and my in-laws
That sounds better. Happy, happy, happy.
MO said...
I just read Holly's blog about being happy. I wanted to chime in a couple of things that make me happy.
1. My family
2. Friends and great music (esp. while driving...)
3. A beautiful day
4. "A-ha" moments... or revelations, whatever you want to call it
5. A hug from Jason, when he kisses the top of my head. (I dont know why, but that rocks!! How can 2 people be guaranteed of success in marriage? I dont know all of the answers, but for him to still love me after all these years and everything I have put him through...)
6. Medals earned at races and triathlons... I love the adrenaline and the sweat and pain!!!!
7. Watching other people's kids grow (enough said!)
8. When Jason calls me "Moby the plant Slayer." Its my superhero name, if I ever get to be one. I have about a dozen happy house plants and the memories of 30-score who have not made it...
Anyway, love you Heather and want to visit...
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